Parades and Changes
The dance itself was mostly based off of the dancer’s improvisation and heavily relied on Haplrin’s vision “spontaneity and freedom.” The performance was divided up into six different units, which included engaging with the audience members and a slow ritual of undressing and dressing. The removal of clothing was used a symbolism of art, in “peeling back to the skin of emotions.” Parades and Changes was choreographed and Ann Halprin, and performed by herself, and members of the SFDW, originally including; Larri Goldsmith, Paul Goldsmith, John Graham, Kim Hahn, Daria Halprin, Rana Halprin, A.A. Leath, and Jani Novak. Music was performed by Folke Rabe and Morton Subtnik. The piece premiered on September 5th 1965 in Stockholm, Sweden. Other performances included Poland, University of California, Berkley, University of California, Los Angeles, San Francisco State University and Fresno, California. Revivals began in 1995, and continue to present day.